Why you should join our affiliate program
Join our affiliate program and earn recurring commissions each time a customer you refer renews their subscription or makes a purchase. Apply today and start building a continuous income stream!
Imagine earning over $10,000 in passive income each month – just like many others who started where you are now.
Ready to explore new possibilities? A simple click could open doors to a rewarding journey. Your next step is up to you.
25% recurring
Get 25% recurring commission every time your referrals make a monthly or yearly renewal.
A tracking cookie of 360 days is active for all your promotions.
Highly Rated
by Users
Our plugin is trusted and highly rated by users.
Promoting it can greatly boost your affiliate results.
- Send your affiliate link in your newsletter
- Share your affiliate link on your blog and social media
- Promote Writing Wizard on Youtube and other media
- Don’t use your affiliate link on coupon and deals sites
- Don’t use your affiliate link for your own purchases
- Don’t use the product name or our company name in listing ads
- Don’t change the plugins name or the logos
- Don’t spam. Ever.
How do I get started?
Click on the “Join Now” button and review the Terms of Use on the next screen. Then, submit the registration form by clicking the “Register” button to activate your affiliate link.
You will find your affiliate link in the Affiliate Member Portal.
What is the minimal payout threshold?
Once you pass $30, you can request a payment.
How do I get paid?
Via PayPal.
When do I get paid?
You will get paid by the end of the following month after you submit your payment request.